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I seguenti indirizzi possono essere utilizzati per contattare ROCK YOUR LIFE! Svizzera o le varie sedi e i relativi responsabili.


RYL Mentoring Svizzera Gabriel Abu-Tayeh

Dr. Gabriel Abu-Tayeh
Direttore generale


Partecipate e sostienete ROCK YOUR LIFE! Svizzera con una donazione in denaro esente da imposte. Riceverete una ricevuta di donazione da parte nostra e i ringraziamenti dei nostri mentee, dei mentori e di tutti i membri dello staff!

3011 Berna, UBS Berna
IBAN: CH23 0023 5235 1622 7101 P

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We, the ROCK YOUR LIFE! GmbH (Registered business address: Switzerland), would like to process personal information with external services. This is not necessary for the use of the website, but allows us to interact even more closely with them. If desired, please make a choice:
We, the ROCK YOUR LIFE! GmbH (Registered business address: Switzerland), would like to process personal information with external services. This is not necessary for the use of the website, but allows us to interact even more closely with them. If desired, please make a choice: